Monday, March 28, 2011

Full House

Don't you love a good play on words?

Our family is a full house...3 guys and 2 girls.  Unless you count the dog. Who thinks she's a cat (but that's a post for another day.)

When I was pregnant with our third child, my favorite song was by Garth Brooks.  I loved to hear my sweet hubby sing "We're two of a kind, workin' on a full house." He would flash that dimpled grin at me and I would forget that there were tiny little feet waging war against my bladder.

Now the three precious kids who made us a full house are teenagers and the house is full...of cell phones, computers, flip flops, grease-covered jeans, muddy boots and love.  And in just a few short months, we'll start that journey toward being empty-nesters. 

Where did the time go? They were watching Barney and Blue's Clues just the other day.  So hold on, young moms.  Hold on to every moment.  Because before you know it, the full house won't be quite so full anymore.

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